Rug Care & Maintenance


We want your rug to live its best life!

The following are best practices that we would recommend:

  • Rug pads are a great investment to prolong the life and quality of your rug(s). A felt or rubber pad is the way to go in our opinion.

  • If in a high-traffic area, regular vacuuming on the lowest setting/highest pile with no brush will keep the rug clean and debris-free.

  • Spills? Not to fret - try to blot and remove the stain as much as possible and immediately spot clean (using a little water or water + white vinegar to remove fully).

  • Avoid harsh chemicals and industrial cleaners as the natural dyes used in these rugs are likely to bleed. Alternatively, professional cleaning is recommended.

  • As these are vintage pieces they may still have a slight scent when you receive them. This is totally normal and should go away within a few days as the rug has time to air out and adapt to its new surroundings.

All rugs consist of natural fibers, most of which use only natural dyes. The majority of our pieces are woven / hand-knotted with 100% live wool, whereas others include cotton and recycled cloth.